
Hundreds march through Atlanta to condemn violence in Charlottesville

ATLANTA — Several local civil rights groups gathered to march and condemn the violence that broke out during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Leaders from Bend the Arc Jewish Action, Color of Change, Human Rights Campaign and Muslim Advocates met at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta.

The group marched to the State Capitol, where it stopped, and organizers spoke to the crowd.

Channel 2's Matt Johnson was with protesters as they marched through the streets of downtown Atlanta.


He learned some were in town for a progressive conference and when they saw the images from Charlottesville, they said they couldn't stand around any longer.

"This is what a peaceful demonstration looks like. There is no fighting, no pitchforks and fire, and we're just here to say as Americans, we don't stand for this," said Kenyette Barnes with the Georgia Alliance for Social Justice.

Organizers said the marching and chants were about sending a message.

"This is all about structural white supremacy and racism, and it needs to end today," said Nelini Stamp with the Working Families Party.

People in the crowd said nonviolent marches are part of how a community heals.

"There are people that are hurting and they need to be in community and they need to express what they're feeling and express their thoughts and their pain," organizer Nikema Williams said.

Police officers and Georgia State Patrol troopers were nearby during the march. No arrests were made and no incidents were reported.

Hundreds marching in Downtown Atlanta in opposition to what happened in Charlottesville.

Posted by Matt Johnson WSB on Saturday, August 12, 2017
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